2 Vacation Lease Sites Available
Vacation lease sites allow the owner to leave his/her trailer on a site year-round to mitigate the hassle of continuous hooking up, pulling, leveling, connecting, disconnecting, etc.
This option allows for occupancy of the trailer all weekends and three weeks throughout the year (or the equivalent number of days if you prefer to camp during the week). These sites are not available for full-time occupancy.
Each site has 30 amps of power, water, and sewage.
Please contact Elicia Massengill (828)289-9316 or Loyd Lunsford (704)891-2226 or email at camp@hitchingpostcampground.com for more details.
Tenants are welcome to use all the amenities of the campground.
Lease sites offer water, electric, sewage, and fire rings.
Lease sites are separated from overnight camping for a more private and quiet atmosphere.
Lease site areas have street lights and are wired for telephone.
30 amps: Quotes available upon request
50 amps: Quotes available upon request
Payment options include annually, semi-annually, quarterly, and monthly.
The Hitching Post offers short and long term site leases based on usage for individuals wishing to have a home away from home.
Vacation Lease: Yearly
Yearly lease sites offer occupancy each weekend of the year and three weeks during the year. Charges are prorated over the year with a variety of payment plans. (Other lease options available.)
Vacation Lease: Seasonal
Typical seasonal lease sites are prorated as a six month lease and also come with a variety of payment options. (Other lease durations available.)